Sunday, June 21, 2009

Father's Day Prayer

We remember with joy and give thanks for the significant men who have nurtured our life;
Adam, the father of humanity;
Abraham, the father of Esau and Isaac;
Isaac the father of Jacob, later called Israel;
And Israel, father of your holy people.
We thank you for Joseph, father of Jesus;
and our own fathers and men who like a father have protected us, taught us, and guided us.
We ask you to bless them,
and to honor them in your heavenly realm
as we seek to honor them this day in our community.
May our fathers and all men of faith
know our love and gratitude not only this day but every day.

This day also reminds us, loving God,
how like a father who welcomes the prodigal home,
you will never forsake us,
so we give you our sincerest and heartfelt thanks and praise
for your paternal love and care. Amen

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