Monday, February 28, 2022

Lectionary Ruminations 2.5 Links to 1st Sunday in Lent through Day of Pentecost (Year C)

 Lectionary Ruminations 2.5 is a further revision and refinement of my Lectionary Ruminations and Lectionary Ruminations 2.0.  Focusing on The Revised Common Lectionary Readings for the upcoming Sunday from New Revised Standard Version (NRSV) of the Bible, Lectionary Ruminations 2.5 draws on over thirty years of pastoral experience.  Believing that the questions we ask are often more important than any answers we find, without over reliance on commentaries, I intend with sometimes pointed and sometimes snarky comments and Socratic like questions, to encourage reflection and rumination for readers preparing to lead a Bible study, draft liturgy, preach, or hear the Word. Reader comments are invited and encouraged.

1st Sunday in Lent - Year C

2nd Sunday in Lent - Year C

3rd Sunday in Lent - Year C

4th Sunday in Lent - Year C

5th Sunday in Lent - Year C

Palm/Passion Sunday - Year C

Resurrection of the Lord/Easter Day - Year C

2nd Sunday of Easter - Year C

3rd Sunday of Easter - Year C

4th Sunday of Easter - Year C

5th Sunday of Easter - Year C

6th Sunday of Easter - Year C

7th Sunday of Easter - Year C

Day of Pentecost - Year C