SUMMIT TO SHORE: Theologically and philosophically informed eclectic ruminations on everything between summit to shore, especially cycling, hiking and backpacking, kayaking, religion, spirituality, philosophy, theology, politics, culture, travel, poetry, and creative writing by John Edward Harris, a progressive Presbyterian Church (U.S.A.) Minister of the Word and Sacrament.
Wednesday, June 22, 2022
"Summer Solstice" Haiku
Monday, June 20, 2022
A Prayer for West Virginia Day
from the rocky summit of Spruce Knob
to the waters of the Potomac and Shenandoah at Harpers Ferry,
from Chester to Bluefield,
and from Cabell County to Jefferson County,
and all places in between.
Shine, O Lord, upon all Mountaineers,
that armed with only our freedom,
and with a single purpose,
we may live, work, and worship
among your West Virginia Hills. Amen.
Tuesday, June 14, 2022
Unofficial Haiku of the 2022 West Virginia Writers Conference
Monday, June 13, 2022
Words of Grace and Inspiration
I was asked if I would be willing to say a few words of grace before the West Virginia Writers 2022 Conference Banquet. I appreciate all those who thanked me for them afterward. Here are the words.
on The Transcendent around and among us.
who centuries ago, inspired writers of sacred texts
and today still fills authors with amazing words;
and for the those who have labored to prepare and serve this evening’s banquet,
farmers and migrant workers,
truck drivers and distributors,
cooks, servers, and those who will clean up after us.
to celebrate our craft,
to hear our keynote speaker,
to honor award winners,
and to renew old friendships and make new acquaintances.
from our food and drink to our table conversations.
And let all those so moved say, Amen.
Monday, June 6, 2022
Lectionary Ruminations 2.5 Links to Trinity Sunday through Christ the King/Reign of Christ (Year C)
2nd Sunday after Pentecost/Proper 7
3rd Sunday after Pentecost/Proper 8
4th Sunday after Pentecost/Proper 9
5th Sunday after Pentecost/Proper 10
6th Sunday after Pentecost/Proper 11
7th Sunday after Pentecost/Proper 12
8th Sunday after Pentecost/Proper 13
9th Sunday after Pentecost/Proper 14
10th Sunday after Pentecost/Proper 15
11th Sunday after Pentecost/Proper 16
12th Sunday after Pentecost/Proper 17
13th Sunday after Pentecost/Proper 18
14th Sunday after Pentecost/Proper 19
15th Sunday after Pentecost/Proper 20
16th Sunday after Pentecost/Proper 21
17th Sunday after Pentecost/Proper 22
18th Sunday after Pentecost/Proper 23
19th Sunday after Pentecost/Proper 24
20th Sunday after Pentecost/Proper 25
21st Sunday after Pentecost/Proper 26
22nd Sunday after Pentecost/Proper 27
23rd Sunday after Pentecost/Proper 28
Christ the King/Reign of Christ